Barn 2 progress

A while has passed since my last post. We sold barn 1 and moved into 2 and now have lovely neighbours. Moving house was in some respects very easy as it was only next door, but the big downside is that it’s a smaller house so a challenge as to where to put everything. Also, we moved from having a nice patio and lawn to a building site garden so it very much felt like a step backwards. Since then, the garden has been transformed. It’s quite small but now has a patio and lawn, walls and fencing, railings and gates to finish it off.

Did I mention the hot tub? We have gone to town on our future holiday cottage and installed the hot tub early so that we can get used to the chemical testing and maintenance. No other reason of course - needless to say it’s been used nearly every day by family members……and me! It’s soooooo relaxing but a bit of a faff with all the testing that needs to be done for renting regulations. So far it’s worth it for the sheer luxury and novelty value.

Below are a few interior pictures from Christmas. It was so lovely to be able to have Christmas dinner with some of our family. The barn looked lovely even though it is our temporary home and so much smaller than barn 1.