white heather barn

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Mechanical Knitting Mill

As promised a picture of my lovely knitted cord.  The wool used was from my stash and is Riot from King Cole. I bought it initially for a slow burning project I have underway  (ie unfinished) and it was rejected because it was a little thinner than other brands of double knitting wool and I was getting inconsistent results. It has beautifully blended colour changes and and was just too nice to throw out (as if I throw anything out).   It was perfect for the knitting mill as it is not too thick or hairy. I had wanted to use the rug wool to make a cord to use as embellishment for my basket, but it was too hairy and was not releasing cleanly from the needle hooks and so it just became a horrible knotty mess. I've found another ball of Riot but in a slightly different colour blend so will make some more cord later. Oh such fun to be had with a ball of wool!